Sternenstaat Wiki

The Weltraummarinestrategischer Komplex (Galactic Standard: Space Navy Strategy Complex) is the normal-operations headquarters for the spatial warfare branch of the Staatswehr, known as the Weltraummarine. Unlike the general headquarters of the Staatswehr itself — the Aquilahorst — the Komplex focuses on coordinating specific processes and demands from naval intelligence and communications systems, employing a miscellany of subsystems and kilometers of state-of-the-art computation subsystems for strategic planning, logistical calculations, and information relay. Even with this in mind, the Weltraummarine still harbors a significant majority of the processing and computation required for the Staatswehr, with the Sturmheer having dispersed headquarters locations and computation systems.

In a state of war for the Menschlicher Sternenstaat, the Komplex will fully activate all available subsystems while shifting processing power to several unmarked locations throughout peripheral space. In the event of the destruction of Vera, its host planet, all priorities of the Komplex are expected to be translated into these unmarked locations, and will prompt the Total Eventualität plan.

Work in progress.
